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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Star Wars : Rogue Squadron System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-07-27 14:48:31 Views : 28737 Cheat : To enter the passcodes, simply click on Settings from the game''s console, the click on General. Type in the passcodes into the blank are labeled "Enter Passcode Here". To delete a passcode, i.e, the Chicken Passcode (hate being a chicken?), simply click on the passcode, and press Shift-Del. CREDITS Funky credits appear like at the end of a Star Wars movie. LEIAWRKOUT Activates Force Feedback for PC Joysticks. GUNDARK Modifies Force Feedback control for PC Joysitcks CHICKEN Play as an AT-ST! DIRECTOR Let''s you view all the cutscenes. Select "At the Movies" from the High Scores menu to view the cutscenes. Creates a new menu called Settings on the N64. MAESTRO Let''s you listen to all the sound themes. Select "Concert Hall" from the High Scores menu to activate. IAMDOLLY Gives you unlimited lives. TOUGHGUY Gives you all powerups in the game (i.e., advanced blasters, advanced seeker missiles, etc.). USEDAFORCE Not a clue... NUMBERTWO Gives you infinite secondary weapons, which mostly consists of missiles or bombs. HIKEN Hidden secondary weapons. NEUC Unconfirmed. Destroys all Imperial ships on the radar. LOKJOT Allows you to land and do repairs. Unconfirmed also. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Star Wars : Rogue Squadron cheat codes.
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